Friday, May 28, 2010

What If You Could Write a Letter To Yourself From The Future?

This video has been on my mind for quite a while.  I know the family of this young man and have been aware of his battle with cancer for over a year.  I decided I needed to post this video because this is the same battle we are all in as we seek to do Kingdom Work.  I know Zac's message is inspriational, but I don't want to just be inspired and move on.  I want to live out what I believe!  As a Warrior Princess, as a woman who is fighting hard to know what to do with the place I am in life right now, I wonder what I would say to myself if I were ten years older and past these present circumstances.   That is not possible, but I know Someone who already is on the other side of my circumstances, and He has everything under control.  I don't want to waste anything.  I want ALL of my life to count for the Kingdom! 

So I have been asking myself, "What am I doing to make a difference?  How am I working to accomplish God's purposes for my life?"  Then I realized that the reason I haven't been on here for over a week is because I have been busy doing Kingdom Work.     

I guess most people don't think of it as Kingdom Work, but as I thought of Zac's video and have been asking the Lord how I could be serving Him in the middle of my life's circumstances I have realized that I am doing what He has called me to do.  I've been struggling over the lack of employment for my husband and trying to support and bless him and my children and keep life as positive and pleasant as I can.  I've been working on school projects with my kids, keeping the house, making meals, paying bills, scheduling appointments and figuring out insurance stuff; just regular, mundane stuff, but it's the stuff that I've been called to do. 

When I watched Zac's video again I asked myself, "Ten years from now, will I regret what I am doing today?  Would it be better if I got a job, or put off spending time on one of my children's projects so that I could make a post on the blog, or whatever might seem more important? What do You want me to do, Lord?"   Every time I ask, He points me back to the fact that supporting my husband, taking care of our home and our family, those things are His number one priority and ministry for me.  And so, I've been doing the Kingdom Work of caring for my family and doing projects and sitting still with my Savior.  I haven't posted anything for over a week, or gotten a job, or done anything else to impact the world, but He hasn't called me to do those things.   This is the work He has called me to. This is good, hard work!  This is a full life!  I am sure I will have regrets when I look back, because I am a sinful human, but at least these things won't be the things I regret.

My challenge and purpose in sharing this video and my thoughts today is to ask you,  "What do you think you would say to yourself 10 years from now when you look back on your current life circumstances?  Do you know if you are doing the Kingdom Work that He has called you to do?"  It's different for each one of us, so why don't you go to the One who knows the future and ask Him today.

Sole Deo Gloria,
WP Stacey
p.s.  Zac went to be with the Lord earlier this month.  Sole Deo Gloria!


  1. Living Life for HimMay 28, 2010 at 10:00 AM

    From my point of view, you seem to be exactly where God wants you to be right now. I am always having to remind myself that I am where God wants me to be and that serving my family is a full-time ministry right now. I know in 10 years we will all be greatful for the time we invested in our family. Love you!

  2. Thank you for sharing that is good to remember what is important today. And to live our lifes in view of all eternity- and what is really important. Keeping that perspective- because life is so short. Thank you for sharing the video- and your heart.
