Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not Overwork but Overflow

How gracious He will be

When you cry for help!

As soon as He hears,

He will answer you.

Isaiah 30:19

As I was writing this verse I was praying that God would hear and answer us because we need help with so many things in our life right now.  Then it hit me that I don’t need help with many things, I need His help with EVERYTHING!  This is not a new concept, because I know that I need His help with everything, but is that how I live?  Probably not.

Most of the time I think I do what I know I can do on my own strength instead of asking Him to do His work in me even with the things that come easier to me like cleaning the house, making dinner, helping my kids with their school work, etc.  But now I think of my life verse…

"Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.

 Those who remain in Me,

 and I in them,

 will produce much fruit.

 For apart from Me

you can do nothing.

John 15:5

The reason this is my life verse is because several years ago He impressed on my heart that I spent most of my life relying on my own strength and abilities to accomplish things.  He had been speaking this verse to me and I was beginning to get it when I heard Cynthia Heald speak and she talked about God speaking to her through this verse.  What I remember hearing her say was that she realized that she had been doing a whole lot of “nothing.”  I want to remain in Him always and rely on Him for everything.  It is so tiresome to keep working and striving on my own, or even to just do the things that come easier for me but finding that when I take inventory of my life, those things that count, those things that draw me closer to Him are the things I have realized that I couldn’t do on m own and HAD to give to Him.

I want EVERYTHING of me to be His!  I don’t want to settle for what I can do on my own.  That’s why I love I Corinthians 10:31

So whether you eat or drink

or whatever you do,

do it all

for the glory

of God.

This is my banner.  This is the repeated theme of my life.  I must decrease, He must increase.  Nothing I can ever do in my own strength will be enough, but even the mundane can be captured for His glory!  How amazing is that!!  “Not from overwork, but overflow,” was the life motto of some unknown saint I recently read of.  I work so hard to accomplish what is before me, but I choose differently today.  Not from overworking to accomplish what I know must be done today, but from Him overflowing and working in me and through me today I will accomplish what He wants in His power, for His glory.  Amen!!

To God alone be the glory,
WP Stacey

“In Resurrection stillness there is Resurrection power.”

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Snatching the Victory

I have been reading Streams in the Desert  for my devotions this year, and it’s been really good.  Last week I underlined a statement that keeps coming back to me:
“…firmly exhibit your faith at the precise moment (and) you can sometimes actually snatch victory from the very jaws of defeat.”

This is truth! The enemy wants us to give up and say, “I keep trying, but it doesn’t seem to change anything,” or “I’ve been praying about this for a long time but God hasn’t done anything yet.”  That is why we need to be in His Word every day and in prayer constantly.  We need to encourage each other, and we need daily reminders that He is at work and He does have good plans for us.  We must be persistent and keep truth ever before us.  He is faithful.

For every child of God

defeats this evil world,

and we achieve this victory

through our faith.

I John 5:4

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get tired and give up, and it’s not always the big things that overwhelm me.  Sometimes it’s just getting past the little everyday kind of stuff.  That’s wrong.  I need to keep praying, keep trusting, keep my eyes on my Savior who has already won the victory.  How dare I agree with the enemy and give him any ground.  My God has already secured the victory.

Let us not become weary in doing good,

for at the proper time we will reap a harvest

if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

Here is one more quote from Streams in the Desert, “Faith can change any situation, no matter how dark or difficult.  Lifting your heart to God in a moment of genuine faith in Him can quickly alter your circumstances.  God is still on His throne, and He can turn defeat into victory in a split second, if we will only trust Him.”

So, no matter how big or small the problems you are facing today seem, keep the faith.  Snatch the victory from the enemy!  Live victoriously today!

To His glory,
WP Stacey

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Biting My Tongue

The other day I was in line at the grocery store and a little old lady and her care giver got in line behind us.  She immediately began patting my arm and speaking to me in such a friendly way that it seemed she knew me quite well.  Over her shoulder her caregiver was whispering apologies to me that the lady has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t know what she’s doing.  She was so sweet and gentle that I didn’t mind at all.  As she talked to my daughter and me for those few brief minutes, she patted our arms and actually blessed us.  I was happy for the encounter.

This gentle lady has been in my thoughts ever since.  I want to be like her.  As I have reflected on her a few things have come to mind.  First, I hope if I ever have Alzheimer’s and lose my mental capacities that I am as sweet and gentle as she.

Secondly, I was thinking about that poem, “When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple,” and it is a cute poem, but when I am old I want to be a blessing to others.  That poem is pretty self-centered, but the best old people I know are not worried about what they get to have and do but are concerned about others.  Which finally led me think..."If I want to be these things when I am old I had better practice them now."

Be completely humble and


be patient,

bearing with one another in

Ephesians 4:2

I am so thankful for my encounter with a sweet lady who has Alzheimer’s.  God has used her to remind me constantly to start practicing now.  So when my child didn’t act as quickly as I would have liked, I bit my tongue and thought of how a few more seconds won’t make a difference, but my harsh words will make the kind of difference I don’t want to make.  When the driver in front of me cut me off, I bit my tongue and decided to pray for him rather than mutter at him and store up bitterness.  I have a feeling my tongue is going to be sore, but when I am old it will be worth it.

To God be the glory,
WP Stacey

Friday, May 18, 2012

Shout from the Rooftops!

Hello Warrior Princess Sisters!  I’m back.  Actually, I never went away, but I haven’t written anything for the blog for over a year.  My mom got really sick the beginning of last year and ended up in the hospital and then passed away in April and I just didn’t have it in me to write during that time.  It was a time of surviving and private reflection.  Then came pulling life together again and living our new normal.  It was a tough year last year, but also many blessings.  I may write about some of it soon.

God has been speaking to me that it’s time to start writing for the blog again.  This verse has come to me several times over the last six weeks, as well as God using some friends to tell me it’s time to discipline myself to post the things He’s telling me.

What I tell you in the dark,

speak in the daylight;

what is whispered in your ear,

proclaim from the roofs.

Matthew 10:27

This is also a time for me to remind you that this blog isn’t just a place for me to shout from the rooftops the things God is whispering to me, it’s a place for my Warrior Princess Sister friends (that would be you) to share His whisperings, workings, struggles, and triumphs in your life.  So, remember, you can post it as a comment or you can email it to me.  I am excited to see what you will send in.  Ruth, Jan, and Janelle you have each shared something with me recently that needs to be shouted from this roof top.  I hope to receive something from you each soon.

On a final note for today, if you are hesitant to write something to share, know that I have the same struggles and fears about sharing.  I realize how flawed and inadequate I am and sometimes wonder if anyone will get anything out of what I say here.  Then I remember this scripture and He didn’t add anything about being good enough…He just said to share what He has been telling us.

It’s not about us, ladies, it’s all about Him.  I just want to obey.  Even if no one else ever reads this, He is my audience of ONE.  It is just mine to obey.

So whether you eat or drink
or whatever you do,
 do it all for the
glory of God.
I Corinthians 10:31

To God be the glory,
WP Stacey

p.s.  If you don’t have my email and want to email me something here’s one of my email addresses.  I have to type it our without the actual .com because that’s how internet bad guys pick up email addresses and spam you.  So, here’s an email address where you can email me kishbooks at hotmail dot com. Get it? If you have my other email address email me there, but I don’t want to post it on the internet.