Sunday, May 16, 2010

Judy's Glory Story - Stones of Remembrance

I am so pleased that a few people have sent me some glory stories.  The one I am posting today is from my sweet friend, Judy.  I have heard parts of this story at different times, but never the whole thing at once.  As I read it I was amazed at the whirlwind of blessing that this family was experiencing in such a short time period!  I love how Judy refers to remembering this story as a stone of remembrance.  I love that she remembers how God moved in their life in a mighty way when she is struggling.  That is absolutely one of the big reasons for telling our glory stories, to remind ourselves and to encourage each other, but mostly because He deserves the glory!  Thank you for sharing this with us, Judy:)

Sole Deo Gloria,
WP Stacey

Judy’s glory story

God picked us up in Milwaukee and dropped us off in Tucson. Matt lost his job in February 2004. I was 6 months pregnant with Maddie and Alex was 2 and a half. Our COBRA payment for medical insurance was more than our mortgage payment. Because there were not many jobs available in Milwaukee, by March Matt was staying in Phoenix looking for a job and I was in WI with Alex trying to get the house sold. After coming up empty looking for jobs, he threw his resume out on an internet site for finding jobs. Someone called him the next day from Tucson to set up a phone interview. A couple days later he had an in person interview. He was offered the job in the third week of March.

He came home on Tuesday evening and we were on our way to Tucson on Friday, not knowing a sole in our new city. We flew down with what we could carry and stayed in temporary housing, Matt started working and I started looking for a doctor to deliver our soon-to-be-born Maddie. We sold our house in Wisconsin, bought a house in Tucson, moved in on the 8th of May and had a c-section on the 14th. With the exception of jaundice, the delivery and hospital stay went well and I came home four days later with our little Madison Renee.

During this time, we had friends that: prayed for us, encouraged us, paid Matt's plane fare to Arizona to look for jobs, offered to pay our mortgage, made emergency runs to our house to find the elusive birth certificate (that's a whole other glory story), were at our house when the company packed us up, were at the house when the company shipped us, and cleaned our house. Good friends and my mom came down on moving day to help get things unpacked. I was little help since I was due to deliver the next week. My mom stayed for three weeks and did about a hundred loads of laundry, trying to set up the house and wash all the baby clothes that had been stored from Alex. God brought friends to me when I felt so alone and overwhelmed with two small children not knowing anyone. We found a church that was preaching the Word without apology. We love Tucson, a place we never would have picked if Matt hadn't lost his job and God directed us here. Matt is working in his "dream job" making twice the salary he was making in Milwaukee. Did I mention we did not pay a dime for Maddie's delivery? Not one dime.

When I am doubting and a little unclear about life, this story is like when the folks of the Old Testament set up a monument of stones so they would not forget what God had done. God provided for us through our friends, family and people we were yet to meet. He was in complete control. He was then, is now and forever will be totally glorious!

WP Judy

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