Friday, May 18, 2012

Shout from the Rooftops!

Hello Warrior Princess Sisters!  I’m back.  Actually, I never went away, but I haven’t written anything for the blog for over a year.  My mom got really sick the beginning of last year and ended up in the hospital and then passed away in April and I just didn’t have it in me to write during that time.  It was a time of surviving and private reflection.  Then came pulling life together again and living our new normal.  It was a tough year last year, but also many blessings.  I may write about some of it soon.

God has been speaking to me that it’s time to start writing for the blog again.  This verse has come to me several times over the last six weeks, as well as God using some friends to tell me it’s time to discipline myself to post the things He’s telling me.

What I tell you in the dark,

speak in the daylight;

what is whispered in your ear,

proclaim from the roofs.

Matthew 10:27

This is also a time for me to remind you that this blog isn’t just a place for me to shout from the rooftops the things God is whispering to me, it’s a place for my Warrior Princess Sister friends (that would be you) to share His whisperings, workings, struggles, and triumphs in your life.  So, remember, you can post it as a comment or you can email it to me.  I am excited to see what you will send in.  Ruth, Jan, and Janelle you have each shared something with me recently that needs to be shouted from this roof top.  I hope to receive something from you each soon.

On a final note for today, if you are hesitant to write something to share, know that I have the same struggles and fears about sharing.  I realize how flawed and inadequate I am and sometimes wonder if anyone will get anything out of what I say here.  Then I remember this scripture and He didn’t add anything about being good enough…He just said to share what He has been telling us.

It’s not about us, ladies, it’s all about Him.  I just want to obey.  Even if no one else ever reads this, He is my audience of ONE.  It is just mine to obey.

So whether you eat or drink
or whatever you do,
 do it all for the
glory of God.
I Corinthians 10:31

To God be the glory,
WP Stacey

p.s.  If you don’t have my email and want to email me something here’s one of my email addresses.  I have to type it our without the actual .com because that’s how internet bad guys pick up email addresses and spam you.  So, here’s an email address where you can email me kishbooks at hotmail dot com. Get it? If you have my other email address email me there, but I don’t want to post it on the internet.

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