First, let me thank you all for your prayers for Morgan and Kraig and give you an update on those life circumstances. Morgan is progressing quite well through her physical therapy. She gave up crutches completely about two weeks ago and has gone from hobbling around to limping these days. We are grateful that the limp is not caused by pain. She is limping because she is still strengthening and building muscles in her leg and she is finding it a bit difficult to make her “new” leg that is now correctly structured, flow in step with her other leg that is still painful and incorrectly structured. She just realized all of these things this weekend, so we’ll be talking to the physical therapist at her next appointment and her surgeon when we see him this week.
Regarding my husband’s job…Well, we are very thankful that he has a job! This is the job at a cabinet shop on the other side of town and he is very gifted in the things he is doing there. It is a praise that he feels good to be using the experience, gifts, and talents that the Lord has given him. When I last posted I told you that he had applied and interviewed for a good job with health benefits (which we really need and his current employer does not offer). He did not get that job and it was pretty disappointing for both of us that he did not. It seemed like a perfect fit. He is very capable and a hard worker, so it was a blow to him that they did not offer him the position. I was very disappointed in God for “not coming through for us” and just didn’t have anything in me to share for about the first ten days after receiving this news. I felt like I had nothing to write but complaint and that I did not need to put that on you, my readers and Warrior Princess Sisters. I was not looking for consolation from anyone but God Himself and felt the need to press in to Him and be still for a while.
God began to show me some things as I sat in my disappointment. The first thing He showed me was that I did need to just be still. Still is not an easy thing to be, at least not for me. The following scripture comes to mind as I reflect on my days of sitting still:
This is what the Sovereign Lord,
the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust
is your strength,
but you would have none of it.
Isaiah 30:15
I had underlined and meditated on this passage through other struggles over the past few years, but definitely needed to be reminded of it. I often feel like I am in undesirable circumstances because I have not worked hard enough or been seeking the Lord enough or some other lie of the enemy. This verse helps me have perspective because He is reprimanding His people for trying to make their own way instead of just trusting and resting in Him. So, this is where the Lord has had me, and it’s a good place to be.
One thing He showed me is this job is right where the Lord wants my husband to be. His new boss is excellent at the work he does yet is not high-strung or over-bearing, which is so different from other places he has worked. My husband is valued and appreciated where he is working. This is such a refreshing thing for him, and I see God’s hand in having him in this type of work environment.
Another thing I’ve recognized is that I keep thinking that we have to have health insurance through a group or employer because of Morgan’s legs and the health issues that I have had. In this time of pressing into Him I’ve had to evaluate if I am willing to depend on Him for taking care of our health and whatever expenses it would involve, or do I feel like I have to have an insurance plan to feel secure. I choose to believe that God is who He says He is and that He will take care of us and provide for us. So, I’m giving up worrying about health insurance. I’m relinquishing my disappointment for my husband not getting the job I think he should have, the health benefits I would like, and the idea that I will be secure if He gives me these things. My hope, my trust, is in Him alone.
I have been busier than usual with appointments to the physical therapist twice a week and other doctor appointments, plus we started school again. I’m feeling like I have our schedule at a more manageable place so that I can post a couple of times a week again. I am still very interested in hearing from you through the comments or if you have a story, verse, or something to share with the readers of this blog. Thanks for reading this today, and welcome back!
Sole Deo Gloria,
WP Stacey
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