I apologize for not posting anything on the blog for a whole week (not that any of you are waiting daily), but I know that many of you have been checking here for updates on Morgan and Kraig’s employment status. Well, I have good news to share on both accounts. Kraig started working for a cabinet shop this week and it is so good to know that we will have a paycheck coming! I would ask you to continue to pray for Kraig’s job situation though. This cabinet shop does not offer any health benefits. The other good news is that Wednesday morning he had an interview with another company and he did so well that they had him go in today for a 2 hour assessment. This test is to determine how he does with this type of work (it is not construction, yea!). Please do pray! We are very hopeful about this job opportunity as we have been told that they are a good company to work for and they have really good health care plan. They are supposed to contact us on Monday and let us know if he will continue in the process to be hired or not for this job.
Morgan got her cast off yesterday! They did an x-ray to see how her bone is growing and it is doing so much better than he expected that he decided not to put another cast on her lower leg. They just gave her a brace for her knee and one for her ankle. This is a huge praise! Thank You, LORD! And thank you to everyone who has been praying for her. She goes to her first physical therapy session on Monday. They say 6-8 weeks of physical therapy.
We are in a good place right now emotionally and spiritually, but very much seeking God and His heart and desire for us. A friend had suggested the following devotion from My Utmost for His Highest a few weeks ago. I have read it several times and find it sinking in deeper than the obvious point he is making. I will say that his last point, "Don't calculate with the rainy day in view" is probably the one that trips me up the most since I tend to be a planner. This devotion has helped me to stop going to all of the "what if" scenarios that I can think up regarding not getting health benefits, getting a job that my husband would enjoy more, or give him more time with the family, etc. I can jump to 100 "what if's" in minutes and then I start trying to plan according to those instead of leaning on my Father. I find myself reconsidering my desire to plan ahead for every possiblilty (it sounds ridiculous as I type this, since we can't possibly think of or avoid every possiblilty). The following piece by Oswald Chambers has been a blessing to me at this place we find ourselves. I want to share it with you today and I pray that it is a help to you too.
Sole Deo Gloria,
WP Stacey
Don’t Calculate Without God
Psalm 37:5 Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust Him, and He will help you.
Don’t calculate without God.
God seems to have a delightful way of upsetting the things we have calculated on without taking Him into account. We get into circumstances which were not chosen by God, and suddenly we find we have been calculating without God; He has not entered in as a living factor. The one thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor in all our calculations.
In our religion it is customary to put God first, but we are apt to think it is an impertinence to put Him first in the practical issues of our lives. If we imagine we have to put on our Sunday moods before we come near to God, we will never come near Him. We must come as we are.
Don't calculate with the evil in view.
Does God really mean us to take no account of the evil? "Love . . . taketh no account of the evil." Love is not ignorant of the existence of the evil, but it does not take it in as a calculating factor. Apart from God, we do reckon with evil; we calculate with it in view and work all our reasonings from that standpoint.
Don't calculate with the rainy day in view.
You cannot lay up for a rainy day if you are trusting Jesus Christ. Jesus said - "Let not your heart be troubled." God will not keep your heart from being troubled. It is a command - "Let not . . ." Haul yourself up a hundred and one times a day in order to do it, until you get into the habit of putting God first and calculating with Him in view.
Praise the Lord Stacey!!! What a blessing to hear about the job (and job possibility) and to hear about Morgan and how well things are going in the healing process! :) I'm so happy for all of you- what a relief in so many ways. I will continue to pray for this other job for Kraig- and for Morgan's physical therapy- and complete healing and use of the leg- with no pain.